Nov 18, 2022Much About Nothing I’m making room for nothing on my plate So exciting I get to fill in all this space take it in thinking like nothing becoming part of the...
Oct 11, 2022Sense of Hearing ~I have my ears on you You can not vanquish The inner child She is beholden to no one Lifting off from here to there As in a day dream She...
Aug 26, 2022ShadowOnly when the sun hits at a perfect angle am I reminded that I have A Shadow Silent sometimes foreboding Possession less Standing when I...
Aug 11, 2022DragonflyYesterday morning a dragonfly graced my view She came to remind me of what I already knew Let’s face it… What dragonfly is 6 inches long?...
Jul 19, 2022The Gift ~Taking time, creating space to nourish what I love Nothing can replace this breadth of time and space A homecoming with my quiet knowing...